Bacon Cheeseburger "Sushi" Roll!
Sometimes you just hear the name of a food and it instantly gets you hungry. I would say the Bacon Cheeseburger "Sushi" Roll definitely fits that description. Whether you are a bacon lover, carnivore, burger fan, or you just like trying new foods the Bacon Cheeseburger "Sushi" Roll is for you. The best part is, it is incredibly easy to make, and it's sure to impress your friends and family. However, before you dive into cooking, make sure you have all these ingredients and tools ready...
- Clean BBQ Grill
- Grill Tongs
- Bamboo Sushi Rolling Mat
- Gallon Bag or Saran Wrap
- Pack of Bacon
- 1lbs of Ground Beef
- Block of your Favorite Cheese
- Diced Onions
- Slivered Pickles
- Favorite Burger Condiments (ex: Ketchup, Mustard, Siracha)
Now lets get started!
STEP 2- Lay the strips of bacon flat on the covered mat, slightly overlapping one another.
STEP 3- Put a layer of hamburger over the bacon. Be careful not to put it on too thick, just make sure the bacon is all covered.
STEP 4- Put your pickles, onions and cheese in rows on the bottom half of the hamburger. Make sure to leave some space uncovered on the bottom half to make it easier to roll.
STEP 5- Roll it all together following these steps:
- Put your thumbs under the bottom half of the mat with the rest of your fingers pulling the cheese, onions and pickles towards you.
- Lift up with your thumbs and roll the edge of the hamburger and bacon over the pickles, onion and cheese to cover them making sure it's packed together nice and tight.
- Pull the mat off the bacon carefully, and connect the two ends of the mat together.
- Gently roll it all together to form it to look like a sushi roll.
STEP 6- Throw the roll on the grill and cook to your preference (Medium Rare, Medium, Well Done, etc.).
STEP 7- Take it off the grill and let it cool down. Cut the roll into sections and serve with your favorite condiments (I recommend Sriracha) and ENJOY!!!