Joe Filter - Healthy Home Services

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Dryer Vent Cleaning for Fire Prevention

Are you overlooking a fire risk in your home? 

Dryer Vent Cleaning
Dryer Vents are seldom seen and rarely worried about, but they are very important part of keeping a healthy, happy, and safe home. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission there are over 15,000 home fires a year caused by dirty dryer vents. Eighty percent of these fires start with clogged dryer vents, and result in 15 deaths and 400 injuries on average annually. Lint and debris gets backed up in the vent reducing air flow. This can decrease dryer efficiency and cause fires. While a lot of homeowners are aware of the risks associated with dirty dryer vents not everyone has the time, proper equipment, or know how to keep their dryer vent adequately cleaned. Cleaning the lint trap in your dryer is a good start, and should be done regularly, but it is not enough to prevent a fire from sparking in your dryer vent.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution for such an important home maintenance task. Joe Filter offers a full dryer vent cleaning service for your home. Our service utilizes a heavy duty HEPA vacuum and rotating brush system to clean the entire length of your dryer vent and dryer exhaust. Our dryer vent cleaning system simultaneously brushes while vacuuming in order to remove built up lint and debris as opposed to packing it further up your dryer vent. The HEPA filters in the high powered vacuum prevent all the loosened debris removed from the dryer vent from getting into the air of your home. This process keeps your dryer running efficiently and most importantly, keep your home safe for you and your loved ones. To learn more about dryer vent cleaning call Joe Filter at (480) 813-9494 or visit us online at